Calculating the cubic weight of a package involves applying a mathematical equation.
Most carriers calculate the cubic weight of a package using a cubic conversion factor of 250kg per cubic metre, however this factor can vary. If you are unsure of the cubic multiplier that is attached to your freight account, please contact your freight provider.
To calculate the cubic weight of a package:
Measure your package
Convert dimensions to metres (ie 20cm = 0.2 meters)
Multiply by factor of 250
For example the box pictured below is 20cm wide, 30cm long and 15cm high. To calculate the cubic volume, convert the dimensions to metres, then multiply by the cubic factor on your carrier account.
The equation would look like (0.20 x 0.30 x 0.15) x 250 = 2.25
Therefore, the cubic weight of this box would be calculated as 2.25kg.
NOTE: Most carriers will use the greater of the dead weight or cubic weight when providing quotes. So if the example box weighs 1.5kg on a scale, the carrier would use the cubic weight of 2.25kg to calculate your shipping cost.
Calculate the cubic weight of an irregular shaped parcel.
You can use the same calculation for irregular and satchel parcels with the longest side as your length.
For information about how to add dimensions to orders or create predefined Packages in ReadyToShip click here.