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A Typical Workflow

Now you have it all set up, let's have some fun.

Nathan Huppatz avatar
Written by Nathan Huppatz
Updated over 4 months ago

If you have been copying and pasting consignment details into a carrier (or worse, writing them by hand), you are going to love this part. This is where you replace hours of work with a few clicks.

Assuming you have set up stores and carriers, you are ready to process some shipments. 

Follow the steps in this guide for Running Your Business Day to Day. These steps are not the only way to do it, but it is best to stick to this general workflow.

You can see which steps have been completed for each order by the indicators on the right. These will light up green as each step is completed.

The steps are:
SS: SKU Summary has been printed (optional)
PI: Print Invoices has been completed (optional)
PL: Pick Lists have been printed (optional)
L: Labels have been printed
M: Manifests have been printed
S: Store has been notified of tracking number, order updated to Fulfilled.

Note: Not all carriers have Manifests, so this step may be omitted if this is the case.

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