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Configure your store: CSV upload
Meegan avatar
Written by Meegan
Updated over 2 months ago

To view and edit the available settings in ReadyToShip, go to Settings > Stores. Click on the blue cog icon of your CSV store and select Settings from the dropdown menu.

Your settings screen will be pre-populated with the Name field, as entered when you set up your CSV "store". You can change it here at any time if you need to.

Logo URL

This is how you get your store logo to appear on invoices printed in ReadyToShip, depending on the template chosen. It is not a compulsory field. If you do not add a logo, it will simply use the Store Name text.

Note: You must enter an external URL for your Sales Channel's store logo.

In most cases, you should be able to go to your website, hover over your store logo and right-click your mouse. Select "Copy Image Address" from the options and paste this into the field provided.

Invoice and Pick List Templates

There are a few options in each drop-down list to choose from. Choose the version that best suits your business needs.

You can read more about these in our dedicated help article.

Unit of Weight

By default, we set this to Kilograms. If your store uses Grams for product weight, e.g. 1000g instead of 1.0kg, you can change it here.

Item Weights and Dimensions

The next few fields will help determine how we handle weights and sizes for your SKUs and orders.

You can read an article on how to decide which options will suit you best here.

Do not get Live Rates from these carriers

If you ship with multiple carriers but would like to exclude rates for certain carriers from being displayed on the orders for this store, you would use this setting above to exclude them. To do this, click in the box and select the carrier/s you wish to exclude from the options displayed.

Prioritize cache for values

You can tell ReadyToShip whether to use imported data from your store or saved data you may have entered directly in ReadyToShip. If you wish to use data entered directly in ReadyToShip, choose from the options displayed when you click in the box.

IOSS Registration Number

If you ship to the EU, you may be registered with the IOSS to save money on VAT charges. If you do have a registration number, enter it here.

Return Address

This is a compulsory field that must be updated to produce labels, as most carriers will not accept a parcel without a return address. Should this address change at any time, this is where you would come to update it.

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