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How to connect to Magento 2

Instructions on connecting ReadyToShip to Magento 2

Nathan Huppatz avatar
Written by Nathan Huppatz
Updated over a week ago

ReadyToShip's Magento 2 integration doesn't require a Magento module/app install.

It requires that you add a new user to Magento with a correct User Role (Method 1 below),

or if you are using 2 Factor Authentication for users then you can use a Token based connection (Method 2 below).

(Looking to connect a Magento 1 store? click here)

Connection only takes 2 or 3 minutes.

Our Magento 2 integration:

  • Automatically imports orders every few minutes that are in a Processing Status. and are Invoiced (paid in full).

  • Will import Weight from SKUs where possible

  • Will import Length, Width and Height attributes (these can be configured in ReadyToShip settings)

  • Update of tracking information and order Completion are done by ReadyToShip.

As this integration is API based, no copy and paste of addresses or tracking data will be required after shipping. ReadyToShip will do all of this for you.

To complete the connection you can watch this video, or follow the steps below.

For User/Role based integration, see Method 1 below.

For Token based integration, scroll down to Method 2.

Method 1: User/Role based integration

Step 1 - Create a Magento User Role for ReadyToShip

Log in to your Magento Admin area with an admin user account.

Go to Stores > User Roles

Click Add New Role

Give the Role a name (like "readytoship"), and in the Role Resource tab, choose "All" in the dropdown, and click Save to create the Role.

Then, click Save to save the role.

Step 2 - Create a new Magento User, and assign the 'readytoship' role

Go to System > All Users

Add your new user details (this is the user information you need to enter into the ReadyToShip website to connect to your Magento store).

  1. Create a username like 'readytoship', as shown.

  2. Choose a password to use (please make it secure)

  3. Remember the username and password (highlighted in green) as they will be used later.

Click on the "User Role" tab on the left side of the screen.

Select the new Role you have created in Step 1.

Then click Save.

Step 3 - Create the Store connection in ReadytoShip

In ReadyToShip, go to Settings > Stores > Add Store > Magento 2

In the setup screen, enter the User Name and Password you chose in Step 2.

Enter your store URL in the following format:

Click "Test Connection".

If successful, you will be taken to the last next step (see bottom of page titled "Completing your Store Connection", where you can complete your store information.

If unsuccessful, you would receive an error indicating the problem. Double check your username, password and store URL and try again.
(If you have issues, please contact us on live chat, or contact us)

Method 2: Token Based Connection

Step 1 - Create a Token in Magento

Log in to your Magento Admin, and go to System > Extensions > Integrations

Then click Add New Integration

Step 2 - Enter the user information details to get a token

Give the connection a name you can recognise, such as ReadytoShip, enter your current admin user password at the bottom of the page.

Then click on the API tab and choose Sales, Catalog and Customers as scopes for the API user

Click 'Save' at the top of the screen.

Step 3 - Activate the Integration

Click 'Activate' in the Integrations grid, to Activate the new integration, then click 'Allow' on the next page.

You will then be presented with a screen of Keys and Tokens for your new integration.

Copy the 'Access Token' as you will need that for Step 4 below

Step 4 - Create the Store connection in ReadytoShip

In ReadyToShip, go to Settings > Stores > Add Store > Magento 2

In the setup screen, enter the text "Token" as the admin username, and paste in the Access Token in the Admin password field.

Enter your store URL in the following format:

Then click Test Connection. If this works, you will be presented with a settings page as seen below. If not, make sure your URL has been entered correctly and that you have entered the user and password details exactly as specified above.

If you get an error, feel free to contact us via Live Chat and we can help.

Completing your Store Connection

When filling out store details, you can also add the length, width and height attributes (if you have them) in your store, so we can import that data for your SKUs.

Note that you can set up separate connections for each Magento Store view that you have, or import orders from ALL store view with one connection.

This is useful for businesses that run multiple websites in one Magento installation, and want to retail different branding and settings for each Magento store.

After saving the store, we will automatically import orders from the last 7 days.
If you need a longer import to run, please contact us via live chat and we can organise for you.

For more information on how to print labels, manage orders and more, please see the help topics in our help section at

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